10:31 AM


So time has quickly gotten away from me. I can't believe it has been 2 and a half months since Quinn was born. So many things have been happening with us. I will try to do this monthly for now. Hopefully more posts will follow.
September was busy. Harley started school at the end of August and she is loving it. She in now in 2nd grade and she loves her teacher Miss. Isaacs. Recently she has been in trouble by me because she doesn't want to leave class at the end of the day so on my days to pick up her and her friends are usually in her class for 20-25 mins extra after school.
Mylie is doing preschool here at our house. She has a friend in the neighborhood that comes and does preschool with us. Not to brag, but she is a genius!!! We are working on all kinds of things and trying to be crafty. She loves it. I have them go to the door, ring the bell, and answer I answer it and welcome them to school. Mylie likes feeling like she is going somewhere to school.
Quinn is continuing to grow. I love the newborn cuddle stage, but I love that she now smiles and interacts and wants to grab at things. All we need now if for her to giggle!

Harleys 1st day of secong grade. Mylie needed to be thing 1!

Random pics of Quinn and the girls. Better ones soon!