11:12 AM

Harley and Jer's Birthday

I am a little late posting these pics. Sorry. We had a little family party on Nov. 29th for Harley and Jeremiah's birthdays. It was great. Harley got some fun presents as well as presents that have a lot of meaning.

When Harley goes to my parents house she always wants to draw clothes for people. So my mom got her a project runway design studio so she can draw clothes all the time!

Harley has loved writing sentences and stories in school and at home so Jer and I got her a journal that she is now writing in. Hopefully this will be something she will continue to do for her life.

2 months ago when my grandpa died, while cleaning out his house, my mom found a small hymn book that belonged to my grandma who died about 6 years ago. It had her name embossed on it and my mom thought Harley would love it. So he had Harley's name embossed right above my grandma's name.

She also got lots of fun things to play with. To bad it is now snowing and there is no sidewalk to use the chalk on!!!

This is the cake my sister made for Harley. My sister, Robin, always make the girls birthday cakes for them.

We love books in our house and we are always reading. Harley loves the Fancy Nancy books so she got 2 of them and a few other books.

4:13 PM

Harley Won!!!

At Harley's school this year the did a Reflections contest. You could enter in 5 different catagorys. Harley chose photography, not sure why!!! The above picture is the one that she submitted to be judged. And she won. Out of the whole 1st grade, she won. Her picture is now going to District to be judged against the winners from all the schools in Davis school district. We will see what happens with that. She is so supper excited to have one and I think the picture is pretty cool. She didn't get any help from me. I just followed her around to make sure she didn't drop my camera, but other then that she took 100 pics and decided this one was her favorite. She is very talented!

These are all the winners from her school. Not too many considering they had 200 entrys this year for the contest. Harley is in front in her yellow Taylor Swift tshirt.

7:42 AM

Halloween 2009

Halloween this year started out with a parade at school and a party in Harley's classroom. The parade was fun. There were so many parents there to support their kids. The little sisters even got involved and dressed up for the parade. These are the girls in the neighborhood who are mylie's age and she loves playing with all of them!

This is Harley's teacher. She is the best teacher, Harley loves her. Their class party was after the parade., right before lunch. I don't know if anyone ate their lunch that day after all the candy and doughnuts!Mylie was able to participate in the party with Harley. They played the mummy game and Mylie got to get wrapped up. She was so good standing there thinking she was big.

Halloween day we started getting the girls ready. Mylie's hair didn't stand up the way we hoped, but the blue really added to her costume. She loved the blue hair and wanted to keep looking at herself in the mirror.

Jer did Harley's makeup. She kept itching her face and it smeared a little, but we took the make up with us trick or treating just in case she needed a fix. He did such an amazing job with the makeup. Good thing he was here, I am not very talented when I comes to face painting.

Mylie wanted to balance on things like harley was doing.

Harley and the "things". Thing 2 is our cousin Emma. She was really cute too! Mylie's face is painted because she didn't think it was fair that harley had her face painted and she didn't!

I love Harleys reaction in this picture. There were a lot of houses that didn't answer their doors. We went out kind of early, but we figured that since it was saturday most people would be home. They did get a lot of candy and were very tired and wanted to be done by 7:30 so all in all it was a great nite!

1:47 PM

Burns Family Pictures!

Since we were all in Nampa last weekend we thought it would be the perfect time to take a family picture. It is so much harder to pose people and then hop into the picture and not be able to adjust things while I am looking through the lens. Enjoy!

9:34 AM

"New" Shirt

I have been reading alot of blogs recently that re-purpose clothes. They always turn out really cute, so I have started finding things to re-purpose. I made a dress for Harley out of one of Jeremiahs button up shirts that he has not worn in a while. It turned out really cute!

So I had a shirt I got last year when Mervyns was going out of business for 1.20. Great deal, the only problem was it was tight is the sleeves. It was a long sleeve shirt and around the elbow it was too tight. But I bought it thinking I was going to shorten the sleeves or something. Well, 1 year later I finally did! I think it looks good. I even put a pleat in the sleeve to give it a little more detail. What do you think??? Don't worry, the sleeves aren't 2 lengths, its just the way its hanging on the window seal.!!!

9:48 AM


Lowes has a really neat program for kids on saturdays where they can go in and build something for free. Today me and the girls went there and build a drum for each of them. They had so much fun hammering and wearing their aprons. It was really fun. I only had my fingers hammered 3 times. Not bad for our first try at it. So here is a picture of the drum Mylie made. Harley's is the same, now they are going to paint them!

8:19 PM

Another Giveaway

great blog that has really great easy crafts to do and great giveaways. Check them out!!!

3:16 PM


August 24th was Harley's first day of 1st grade. Needless to say, she is getting big and growing so fast. I can't believe she is in 1st grade and going to turn 7 in a few months. She was so super excited to go to school. Me not so much. She will be in school all day long. I miss having her home, but I know that she would much rather be at school with her friends then have to hang out with mom all day. Now just need to find things for me and Mylie to do!!!

Jer and Harley before school!

Me and Harley, she is sooo big!

Harley's brand new school. They are still waiting
on carpet and things for the new school. It is amazing
though. The nicest elementary school I have ever seen.

Waiting in line to have her teacher walk them in.

After school, she made it!

2 days after school started Harley also had her first soccer game of the year. She loves playing soccer and is actually quite good, just to brag a little. It's a little more competitive then last year so she is really enjoying herself. She says she always wants to play soccer, but also be a cheerleader, so we will see when she gets older which one wins out. My vote is for soccer! And no they are not called Bees or anything associated, Wasps, Hornets, Yellowjackets. Their team is called the Lady Tigers. Tigers have stripes, maybe not yellow and black, but hey its more original then Bees!
Love their faces. They are waiting for the
other team to figure out who is kicking the ball first!

Amazing dribbling skills!

Mylie and I have just been hanging out, playing with friends and trying to decide on a color to paint the walls of our house. We have narrowed it down to 2, but there is one that I think looks better. I can take pictures, but I can't figure out how to decorate my house. We will probably figure it out just when Jer thinks we should move again, which he promised won't be till Harley is in Junior High, so you see how long it might take to get everything done! I'll keep you all posted on our progress.

5:18 PM

Utah Deal Diva

This is the best website! Jessica always posts the best deals in Utah. Check it out, you will be pleasantly surprised!!! Also she is doing the funnest giveaway this weekend!


9:49 PM

Musette Bracelet GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

Musette Bracelet GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

3:08 PM

Our Denver Trip

2:56 PM

Bear Lake Pictures