7:30 PM

Halloween 2007

For the longest time Harley couldn't decide what she wanted to be for Halloween. She was torn between a witch and a 50's girl, once she figured out what that was. So we went back and forth for a few weeks until she finally decided to be a 50's girl. When that decision lasted for a week straight without changing back I went to the fabric store, found a pattern, and made her costume. Mylies costume was simple. She was a monkey because that was the warmest outfit that I could find for her and knowing we aren't in California where it is 90 degrees, she needed something warm. We had a trunk or treat in the ward. Mylie was just excited to be out and follow Harley and learn to do what she was doing. Halloween night we went trick or treating with my cousins. SInce Harley is the oldest she was excited to go door to door, the younger ones say the first few pieces of candy and then wanted to sit down and eat those not caring much about walking to other houses. We did have a great time though. Now Harley has a dress up outfit to go with her princess dresses and if Mylie doesn't grow too much this next year she will have a costume for next year. If she does, we have a monkey outfit if anyone wants to use it. :0)!!


S. and A. Millar said...

Wow I'm impressed, you did a great job on Harley's costume! Your girls both looked so cute! I love halloween, dressing the kids up and going out, it's so fun isn't it!?!

Ashlee said...

I love their costumes. I had no idea that you sewed. I love the monkey costume. So sweet!

Unknown said...

good job kara! they look cute.

Terance-N-Jaime said...

So - I'm just wondering how many times little miss Mylie tripped over those monkey feet? They look pretty big!